Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Share and Voice: Super One Foods

Hey Everyone! I'd like to take this time to thank Dr.V and SuperOne Foods for getting us these awesome new bags. I've always wanted one, but never got around to getting it. I have definitely used it since we've received them. Thanks again!!!

Share and Voice: Disney's Earth

Hey bloggers!! You may have seen commercials advertising the new Disney movie Earth which just came out this month. The movie shows the challenges and experiences animals face on Earth. It shows how they raise their young, deal with predators, and adjust to the changes people are making to their environment. Check out this link to see the movie trailer. You'll fall in love with the animals presented in this clip. I sure did!!

After each ticket is sold, Disney has agreed to plant a tree in your honor! I think this movie also will get a better insight as to how they affect the environment around us. It's not just affecting people, it's affecting the animals, plants, and natural resources around us.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 13 and 14

Hey Bloggers!! Well I don't know about you, but I think that the last two weeks have definetly been my favorite so far. I mean, getting out of part 2 on our advocacy project by the moans and groans of the class is awesome!

Week 13
We began week 13 by watching The Story of Stuff which was designed apon environmental literacy, operational literacy, and functional literacy. It really shocked me to see the chain reaction of being a nation of consumers. How can we avoid buying so many things? We are constantly being targeted by advertisements which on average see about 3,000 a day. It really made me double think some of the items I buy on average such as bottled pop.

Next on my checklist of things we completed, we headed to Bagley Nature Walk. To be honest with you, I've never used a compass so this was quite an experience. My goup memmbers and I followed the directions and successfully made it through the course with limited amounts of animal droppings on our shoes. I have another confession... I had never been to Bagley Nature Park before this opportunity. I really had a great time walking through the trees and admiring the environment around me.

Week 14
Week 14 began by us having the opportunity for Brian to come and talk about his experience majoring in environmental health. I found it very interesting how passionate he is about what he's currently doing. Followed by Brian speaking we moved on to talk about our letter to a local representative. I found this very difficult since I've never had to write such a formal letter.
Now for the finale of the past two weeks.. drum roll please...... the Junk Competition!!! Calling this an interesting experience would definetly not fufill the description of this exercise. Dr. V gave our class a variety of different "junk" items to incorporate into something useful. Well, I have to say that Group 1 came up with the funniest/most creative items yet. Kathy had me laughing throughout the whole activity as she suggested the titty covers for show girls in Las Vegas.. haha I put this picture up just for you Kathy! Can you imagine our creation in Vegas on showgirls? Hahaha.. maybe after some deep sterilization...

After brainstorming, we found various items to share such as a ship in a bottle, a fingernail holder for manicures, ninja stars, and even bike baskets. We had a lot of fun through this activity as people got the opportunity to show their creative side.

I loved the activities we've taken part of in the last weeks. I love to refurnish items in my bedroom as well and absolutely love rummage sales and bargain shopping to create my own decorations. I am so glad that Dr.V has stressed the point that someone's junk may be someone's treasure! Thank you all!!

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

April 28, 2009

Senator Amy Klobuchar
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Klobuchar,
It has been an arising issue that individuals and families cannot afford reliable health insurance.
By signing this bill we can take a step in the right direction in
making health insurance more affordable for individuals and families that
are not covered.
expresses the sense of Congress that national health care reform should ensure that the health care needs of women and of all individuals in the United States are met. A majority of people are offered health insurance, but what about the jobs that do not provide this benefit? Also for people who are unemployed are not able to pay for proper health insurance for themselves or their families.

There are many consequences involved if people continue to live without health insurance. Many individuals with health conditions will begin to avoid going to the doctor if they cannot afford the care necessary creating more severe problems in the future.Uninsured children are more likely than insured children to not receive medical care for common conditions like ear infections- illnesses that if left untreated can lead to more serious health problems. If children are left untreated, more problems may arise causing life-long conditions.I have the freedom to go to the doctor if I have any concerns regarding my health while people have to live with their health conditions due to financial reasons.

I understand that tax payers will be paying more money if this bill is passed, but it's all for a good cause. By paying more for taxes, they may feel at ease to know that they're potentially saving peoples' lives. It is known that 44 million Americans living without health insurance. By signing this bill, we may decrease this number significantly and avoid more preventative deaths or conditions. The baby boom generation is also greatly affected by this issue. If they cannot afford health insurance, they'll be faced with financial challenges with the economy the way it is.

As a health educator, I know I'll be faced with families who may or may not be covered by health insurance. That's when I began to ask myself if health insurance is a privilege or a right? You can be the judge when you decide on signing this bill to make health insurance more available for people.

Thank you very much for taking the time to review my request. I will be awaiting your response in the near future and willing to answer any questions if you wish.

Christen B
1830 Orchid Lane
Cherry Blossom, MN 55874

Please let me know if you have any suggestions to make my letter better. Thank you!