Hey bloggers! Well, this is going to be my proudest share and voice yet! I am currently a member of Eta Sigma Gamma which is a national professional honorary for men and women in health education in case you didn't know. We had the opportunity to participate in the highway cleanup the other day. It was a very interesting experience to say the least. I was suprised to see how many animal bones we had found throughout the cleanup. We found a large group of deer bodies along with a dead duck and skunk. I'm not going to lie, I got scared a couple times as I grabbed for a piece of garbage and saw a dead animal right in front of me. Haha!! I'm sure people in a 1 mile radius could've heard me scream! and Here are some of the pictures....
I thought this was a very great activity for us to do since we're learning about the environment around us so much in this course. I feel like everyone should take part in cleaning up highways and other areas in their community to improve the appearance and well being.