For my portion of the Ecological Footprint, I took three quizzes to give me a better understanding of my role in the environent. The first quiz I took was the Score your Diet challenge. The reason for the quiz is to show how your diet scores correlate with nutrition, the environment, and animal welfare. There were a range of questions pertaining to my portion numbers of various types of foods consumed in a week. I scored the highest numbers in the vegetables and chicken categories which I thought were the right things to eat. After taking this quiz, I realized that I am ranked in the "good" category for my diet. I wasn't that suprised since I try to balance my diet and create a variety of fruits, vegetables, and dairy. I learned that I need to increase my fish and grain levels. Just because I'm in the "good" category, does not mean I can't make more improvements.
The second quiz I took part in was the Ecological Footprint. After creating my character, who looked rediculous, haha, I began the journey. Various questions regarding my transportation, diet, and recycling habits. My jaw dropped as I recieved the restults. According to this quiz, it takes 4.4 Planet Earths to provide enough resources for my lifestyle. What? That's crazy! I recycle, I take the bus to school, where have I gone wrong? This definetly opened my eyes that even though I'm aware of my environment, that I still have a lot of improvements to make. I will definetly have to reconsider how much I drive and how much electricity I use. Even simple steps such as turning off the focet while I'm brushing my teeth can make a difference.
The third quiz I took part in was the Travel Calculator. Lets just say that I have a lot of improvements to do. I am going to make an effort to ride the bus every day to school and car pool more often to other various activities. The summer time has a positive impact on my behavior since I car pool to work and limit my driving by rollerblading and bike riding. I cannot believe that I am worse than average! I was really taken back after seeing my results. I really hope to improve my score in the future!
I think that these quizes have really taught me a lesson. I know that I have a lot of improvements to make, but I'm leaving the challenge to myself nad to you!
Christen- I agree with you, after taking these quizzes I realized a lot of places in my life wehre I can improve. I didn't realize that my ecological footprint was as bad as it was either! We all have things taht we can work on! I thought the quizzes were actually kind of fun too!
Very eye-opening! Keep us posted on how you do with your new strategies for helping the environment!
Christen- It seems like these really did open your eyes! I was so surprised with my answers, I felt bad. I'm glad we had to take these kind of things, as I would never just look them up alone and take them! I thought these quizzes were really fun! I love taking quizzes! Great Job :)
Heya Christen. Yah so I decided to take that Score Your Diet quiz....definitely scored an 'Uh-oh"...not good. It was nice though to see how our diet stacks up with how it should be. Good Post!
Christen-These quizzes really did a great job of putting our habits into perspective of how we're effecting the environment. I also thought I was doing a great job but was proven wrong by these quizzes. It's good to see how we impact the environment. How were you thinking of changing your habits to lower your ecologic footprint?
Hey Christen!!
Great job at reflecting on your results!
The Score Your Diet quiz seemed really interesting, wish I did that! But good job at having a healthy lifestyle when it comes to nutrition!
Yes, that ecological footprint quiz is very jaw-dropping! Instead of having Eye-Openers, we definitely could have a new label called "jaw-droppers" lol
And yes, traveling is seriously something I think we all could improve on! Carpooling seems effective and I cannot wait for this summer to cut down on our gas emmissions!!
Good job Christen!
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