Hello health environmentalists!!! Wow, what a busy couple weeks we’ve had. Dr. V sure is keeping us busy. Her advice about paying attention to Google Reader has really paid off. I am now more on top of keeping up with my fellow bloggers. It looks like we're getting the hang of the blog concepts. Everyone's blogs look amazing. Way to go everyone!
My Ecological Footprint:
The ecological footprint challenge was my favorite activity so far. We were asked to complete quizzes that involve our interactions with the environment around us. I took part in three quizzes that popped out at me. My favorite of these quizzes was definitely the Travel Calculator. By the looks of it, I have a lot of work to do to change my habits. My goals are to start car pooling more often and to take the bus more frequently. In the ecological footprint quiz, I couldn’t believe that it takes 4.4 planet Earths to provide the resources for my lifestyle. That is crazy!! I am obviously taking advantage of the resources around me. I did a little research on my car to calculate my miles per gallon. I found a really neat website called Fuel Economy that helped me compare my gas mileage to other individuals' vehicles as well. My car's average miles per gallon amounts to 23.6 miles in city driving and upper 20's on the freeway.
Inconvenient truth:
We had the opportunity of watching “The Inconvenient Truth” all week as well. This is one of Al Gore’s most famous projects that he’s presented over 1000 times. It really opened my eyes to the troubles we’re facing and what’s yet to come. I didn’t realize that global warming was becoming this big of problem until now.
I really enjoyed the film. You can tell that Al Gore is very passionate about his solutions in declining pollution sources to save our environment. Another thing that I liked about the video was his sense of humor. He made the video fun to watch. I’m not going to lie, I usually don’t like watching speakers on TV, but it really caught my attention. My favorite thing on the video was the methods of determining the carbon levels in the ice. I never would’ve thought that something like that was even possible. It just goes to show how far technology has come. After watching the film, I began to wonder what things would be like if Al Gore would've become president. Could he have made a difference in our carbon levels? I think that he had a lot of interesting information that should create a change.
Christen’s Thoughts:
I really am learning a lot through taking this course. I’m opening my mind to so many things and am really interested in making a difference. I am very encouraged on taking Al Gore’s challenge. It takes teamwork to overcome some of these battles we’re going to be faced with. It may be a lot of work, but in the end it's our life.
Take the challenge, and make a difference.
Christen: Great thorough post! I could definitely start carpooling a lot more as well... or actually WALKING! I only live 6 blocks away... but I drive to school everyday... and if one of our roommates has class even just like an hour later than the rest... we come home and then go back and get them. This is really absolutely ridiculous. I like the question you brought up about whether or not things would be different if Gore would have gotten president. Great post!
Good post! I really like how you labeled each section that you talked about. It makes it a little easier for reading purposes!! I think that the ecological footprint quiz was probably my favorite too, because you got to see the impact you make on the earth! I need to start walking more as well, considering I live right next to school. I am just a baby and can't handle the cold. Why I live here I'm not sure haha! Keep up the good posts!!!
Hey Hey Christen. Definitely agree with ya that Google Reader is helping out. It's helping organize things quite a bit. And it was nice to see how passionate Gore was on the issue. I can see why he has presented the information over a 1000 times...kind of ridiculous to think about how many times that is. Have a good one!
Hey Christen! You did a great job outlining the past two weeks. I'm so glad Dr. V showed us how to use Google Reader again because I had no idea how to work that thing! I also enjoyed taking the Ecological Quizzes to find out what I needed to improve in my life to be more green. I also wonder what it would have been like if Gore was president, I'd like to think that he would have got the ball rolling on how we could become more green.
Christen!! I am admiring how much time and effort you put into these blogs. It looks like you had to do a reflection, a documentary review, AND a reading review! Good work!
I really need to start using Google Reader, I hear that it is really helpful! I also enjoyed the footprint challenge! I am so glad we watched An Inconvenient Truth! Such an eye-opener!
Keep it up Christen!!
Kathy :)
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