Weeks 5 and 6 have been very informative. I’ve learned so much from reading people’s posts to watching the documentaries shown in class. I’ve made changes to my everyday behaviors by conserving more water, energy, and driving a lot less. Dr. V showed us a neat coffee mug that demonstrates the result of melted glaciers. I bet everyone wanted a mug like that. I know I did. Dr.V also shared a story about a blog that she’s been following. The blog showed a cheeseburger that had been kept for 12 years with no mold or rotting of any kind. That is disguising! It just goes to show how many preservatives there are in fast foods.
Diet for a New America:
I didn’t know the effect that animals manure actually makes. I was shocked to hear that the manure that polluted water actually caused defects in children. These movies really made me second guess my diet and how much meat I consume on a weekly basis. The United States’ portion sizes on meat are more than double the amount that other countries consume. This makes a lot of sense! Whenever I go to a restaurant and order a chicken breast, it completely covers my whole plate. If you times that by the 6 billion people, that adds up very quickly.

Food for the Future:
We also watched the movie “Food for the Future.” This movie showed us that the ecosystem can act as a chain of events. Increased fertilizer = cost increase = pollution increase. It also showed us a story about a farmer who lost everything he had because of a corporation called “MONSANTO.” Percy Schmeiser vs Monsanto has been a perfect example of what Monsanto has done to farmers. Percy had lost his whole crop and his retirement fund due to the roundup canola oil patent. Another intersting thing discussed in the video involves the amount of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) that are present in the United States. I never really checked labels to see the ingredients involved. I usually look at the calories and % of fat like most people. I was suprised to find out that genetically engineered foods are not included on labels. How do we know what we're eating? About 80-90% of people want that information on the label. How will we know if we're really in danger? Babies have allergies to their formula and other health concerns. If it was labeled, we could relate this technique to the causes of health conditions.
Christen’s Thoughts:
These two documentaries really made me think outside the box. Since I'm from a farming family, I thought I would've understood a lot of these concepts before watching the movies but I didn't. I really enjoyed the films and am going to pay more attention about the foods I eat to know if they are genetically enhanced.
It is good that we got to view the Future of Food video. It really goes to show you that sometimes the government, like the EPA is not always looking in the best interests of the American people. They are paid by Monsanto Corporation, and thus will over look health risks to get their own paycheck. It is important that there are special interest groups out there to check up on industries, as sometimes the government will foreget who they really work for...the American people.
I know, every 2 weeks it is crazy to think of the time that is flying by. And YES these past 2 weeks have been so informative, I cannot keep track of everything we have learned and discussed so far!
I almost forgot about that coffee mug Dr. V showed us, how could I? It was so cool! I want one!
I think these past 2 weeks have showed us and opened our eyes to eating meat and finding out what goes behind the animals we eat!
Food for the Future was also really interesting and information filled, all the information about Monsanto and the lawsuits that are going on! It is really interesting to hear what the farmers had to say. I am glad you learned a lot from these last 2 weeks Christen!! You are doing great with your blog. Talk to you later!
I forgot about that coffee mug Dr. V showed us, you have a very good memory!
Time is really flying by, it seems like we just did a reflection last week.
But these last two weeks have definitely been all about food. They have definitely influenced my eating habits for sure-but not completely. =)
You're blog looks great and I would consider you a regular blogger! Every time I check my blog, it seems like you've posted something new, keep up the good work! =)
First of all, it's great that you're finding yourself making changes in your everyday activities! I loved the mug that Dr. V brought in as well. I think all of these food movies have definitely changed my eating habits a little bit. It's crazy to think about! Your page is really turning out well! Great Job
Heya Christen! Great reflection on the past couple of weeks! I like how ya also mention Dr. V's awesome global warming mug! If I ever find that somewhere I am totally buying it. Have a good one!
Good review! I couldn't believe that the stuff in the manure could cause birth deffects either. Very alarming! Also I am much more aware of the foods I eat as well, I can't say I will totally change my diet, but will look into other options!!
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