I thought this chapter was very interesting. Since earth’s population is growing to the number of 6 billion, food and resource demands are also increasing. How are we going to feed all of these people? Resource depletion and environmental degradation are currently undergoing demands as well for this growing population. The sections in this chapter include discussions about: Society’s Four Transitional Stages, Evidence for Negative Population Growth, Future Food/Supply Demand Balance, Protecting the Environment, and The Challenges Ahead.
Society’s Four Transitional Stages:
The United Nations’ low/medium population projection suggests that food supply growth will continue to outpace food demand supply growth will continue to outpace food demand growth, resulting in continuing decline in real prices for farmers. (McKinney, 57). This section discussed the four transitions of societies based on demographics, economics, agricultural productivity, and technological advancements (technology). There are many different sides to each argument. If income growth and population growth slow down, food demands decrease as well.
Evidence for Negative Population Growth:
This section was difficult for me to understand since it deals with various countries' statistics. The United Nations' medium population projection of 2.1 children after 2040 is widely used as a demographic forecast, but it unrealistically assumes that this rate will be the same in both developed and developing countries. (McKinney, 56). We cannot base our future statistics on predictions based on past and present population rates. There are many variables that change such as population growth/decline that are not always predictable.
Future Food/Supply Demand Balance:
If population and income continue to grow at the same rate as they grow from 1995 to 2000, the demand for food will sharply outgrow future food supply. (McKinney, 57). This is a very scary thing to think about. Some differences have been made. Many statistics show that birthrates are decreasing causing more available resources. What about the families that aren't decreasing family size? Do they know that our resources are limited?
Protecting the Environment:
This section describes the consequences of population growth. I thought that it was mind blowing that population growth leads to land clearing leads to streams being polluted and lower quality air. Education may promote the awareness of the environment possibly changing the behaviors of people. Forests are continually being cut down for the resources it provides. Something that a lot of people don't realize is that this affects the species living within the environment as well.
The Challenges Ahead:
I interpreted this section to be based on balance. If you balance population, the resources provided, and the food supply, it will work more efficiently. If one of the aspects such as population, the whole equation falls to pieces. Other things to keep in mind are trading, food businesses, and agriculture. The book explains that agricultural trade in a mature society remains high to supply the diversity of food products demanded by high-income consumers.
Christen's Views:
I thought this section was a little difficult to understand, but realize that we are about to face challenges is we don't readjust our behaviors. I think that with some education on the topic, people will have a better understanding of everyday choices that are overlooked. When planning families, people may consider these facts and readjust their decisions.
Agricultural productivity
Technological Advancements (technology)
Developed Countries
Developing Countries
Christen- I can see how this section might be a little hard to understand. It is packed full of information! I think you're right though.. Many people aren't educated on how cutting down forests for some land can cause a chain reaction to other environmental problems. Also it is scary to think about our food supply and how the amt of people is way more than what our earth can replenish!
Christen- It's amazing to read about and try to understand how our population size REALLY effects our earth and all the horrible things that are going to happen to it if we continue to grow at such fast rates. If so many people are living on the land, how will we still have space to grow our necessary resources?
Christen- this chapter definitely did have a lot of information, so it was difficult to understand it all. Educations on these topics is very important. That way people will be able to take some action! Your post is very organized and easy to read. Good job!
I totally agree with you that families should take the population growth into account when planning childern and that education can really help. People really need to realize the effects we are having on our earth! The reading was a little difficult to understand but you did a great job!
I agree that it is scary to think that we may one day be unable to grow enough food to feed everyone on the earth. I mean, food distribution is already so unfair - with some people getting way more than they need, and thousands of other people starving - that it's awful to think this problem could get any worse! However, it is encouraging to think that as developing countries become developed, fertility rates will most likely decline, leveling off the population growth.
Nice post; I like how you organized so well. That made it easy to read. I agree with you- we are going to face challenges if we don't adjust our behavoir. And I also think educating people more about this topic would make a huge impact.
Great job overall!
It scares me that soon our food supply will be low. This whole reading really was interesting and I really enjoyed it! You did a good job with adding links and additional places of interest! Good Post.
I thought the reading was a little much to take in, but I think you got the main points! Isn't it crazy to realize so many people around the world are starving while we in America complain over the littlest things?? I think it is important for couples to think about family size as well, but if a couple did want to have 10 kids, whose right is it to say they can or can't have that many? Good post!
Christen~I found this reading so interesting and mind blowing to find out all the stats and info about how many people there is going to be...very good post !!!
It's hard to imagine that there may come a time when we wont have enough food for everyone! Especially since we can drive down to Cub Foods and purchase whatever we need. This article really opened by eyes to some problems that we could face in the future! Thankfully the population levels are at a slight decline, I'd like to think every little bit helps! Thanks for adding the linked terms at the end. Perhaps next time you could put the definition with it, as well=) Great job!
Christen- I had a hard time sifting through all of the statistics in this article as well. I think you did a great job understanding what the author was presenting.
I agree with you that we need to play our part in educating others about how they are affecting the earth and how that is in turn affecting everyone in some way. Just think of how much education needs to be done in developing countries regarding birth control...
I think we definitely have our work cut out for us, but it is comforting to know that we atleast have an idea of what is to come. I guess all we can do is plan for the worst, and hope for the best!! --S
Christen - Very nice review of the reading. I think that there's a lot of information to process in these readings and I also had a hard time understanding some of it.
I agree with you on the fact that it is extremely scary to think about the possibility of not being able to provide enough food for the growing population. People are really going to have to start making wiser choices!
great review Christen!
I can't believe the supply/demand is going to not meet up pretty soon! Even maybe in our lifetime!
I also thought this reading was a little hard to follow or understand, but I think as the weeks go by, we will have a better understanding of environmental literature! See you later Christen!
Readjust, ya hopefully we all figure this out sooner than later. It's going to take a collective effort to get keep our planet working , according to all the information I've learned the last few weeks. Good post!!
I agree there were some confusing parts. It really makes you wonder what will happen to everyone and everything if the population continues to grow and our food supply runs out.
I thought you did a really good job of re-capping what the article was all about. I found it difficult to follow as well at times, you did a nice job :) I agree with you that if people would just maybe open their eyes a little and become more educated on the world around them, it could make a real difference. Hopefully we can be a good start to that! Your pictures to this post are great too, very appropriate. Nice work :)
Nice work on summarizing the article! It was very easy to follow with the headers you threw in. It's a bit scary to think about the world becoming over populated. It practically makes our planet smaller and even worse, the supply of food may not be able to support everyone. Sad thought. I hope more people start to realize this. Nice job on your work.
Christen, great job this week on your review and amazing blog in general you jazzed it up with photos that were great. I really liked how you said that yea, this is a little hard to understand, but you should know that your review was great and I really really liked the idea of balance among food, resources etc.! Great job:)
Great Review Christen! I also thought this section was a little hard to understand. It amazes me how our population is really effecting our earth and how someday we might have to start regulating population? This is crazy to think about! Great job on your post
Nice review! There is so much information in this review that I can see how it would be hard to take it all in.
Once again, nice formatting! I agree, this review was difficult to read with all the information and statistics throughout the next. You are right, more education always helps people to make wiser choices regarding our environment!
This section was a lot to take it! It's crazy to think what might come of our Earth. Great post!
I really agree that this article was hard to understand, but I also feel like I understood the main points. I think that it is really scary that in the future if population and income continue to grow at the same rate they are now, that our food demand will outgrow the supply. I also thought that it was interesting how drastically population size effects the environment. You mentioned that increased population causes land clearing, polluted streams,and lower quality air. How interesting!
I totally agree that yes we do need to change our behaviors. We often do what we are used to doing, and rarley except change so easily as it means we have to go against the norm.
Education is our best defense against people resisting a must needed change.
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