Friday, April 17, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 11 and 12

Hey bloggers,
Wow, only a few more weeks to go!! I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone. Well weeks 11 and 12 have definetly been keeping us busy.....

Week 11:
During week 11, we watched a movie entitled Unnatural Causes which showed us how money creates power. It showed us that we are ranked 30 in life expectancy. I cannot believe those results. I always thought the United States would've been ranked better than that. This documentary also showed how stress relates to high blood pressure making systems to work overtime and creating cortisol. We also had the change to overview the THOMAS and Healthy People 2010 in order to collect enough data for our research project.

Week 12:
We had the opportunity to chose our own topic to do research for including the links above. I chose to do mine with accessibility to health care through insurance. It's a very serious problem that need to be addressed to increase the amounts of people with health insurance. A fun thing we did this week was watch some cartoon movies that I still remembered seeing from when I was a kid. We watched Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law if you must see this again! Another video that we found humorous was the Conjunction Junction video! We also saw a sneak peak of Dr.V's Frisbee skills as she tossed our reusable bags to each of us. It was a very nice donation of Super One to give us these bags!

I thin that through these last couple weeks, we've began to learn the political sides of environmental health. I hope that our generation IS known as the generation that has Gone Green just like Sara mentioned in class. Have a great weekend!


Heather Belknap said...


Great job with this review! I had definitely forgotten that we watched School House Rock! That was so fun! These last two weeks were pretty great!

*Shar* said...

I forgot about the school house rock! Lol, man you have a good memory=) That was really funny though when Dr. V let us watch conjunction junction!!! Good reflection!

Kathy @ Choh's Changing Environment said...

Ohh! I totally forgot about watching School House Rock and Conjunction Junction!
How could I??
Yes, I think it is cool how Sara mentioned that we might be the first "Green" generation!!
Good job girl!!

Kaileigh's Nature Log said...

I agree..It would be really cool to be known as the "green" generation. I love school house rock haha! I actually read a facebook status and this kid had put something about how all the people who voted for Obama should be mad because of the gun laws that were just passed. I wanted to send him a link to the school house rock video so he knows that the president isn't the only one making the decision it goes through many other levels before it even gets to him! haha!:) Good post!