Monday, May 4, 2009

Advocacy Project:

Hey Bloggers!
Well, since my topic discusses Health Insurance, I found it difficult to find an interactive way for you to participate. I hope you like what I've come up with. I found a clip for you to view and let me know how you feel about making health insurance more affordable. I just wanted to refresh you on what I've been doing my Advocacy Project on....

Overview of Issue:
The issue in my advocacy project is to increase the amount of people with health insurance. Many lower class individuals are faced with problems affording the proper health insurance for their families. Health insurance is a often offered through employment but not all the time. What about families that have no job? Not only the parents, but the children are greatly affected. How can we make health insurance more affordable for these individuals?

There are currently 44 million Americans are living without health insurance. There are many consequences involved if people continue to live without health insurance. Many individuals with health conditions will begin to avoid going to the doctor if they cannot afford the care necessary creating more severe problems in the future.Uninsured children are more likely than insured children to not receive medical care for common conditions like ear infections- illnesses that if left untreated can lead to more serious health problems. If children are left untreated, more problems may arise causing life-long conditions.I have the freedom to go to the doctor if I have any concerns regarding my health while people have to live with their health conditions due to financial reasons.

Click on this link to tell me what you felt about the
Health Insurance Game shown. What do you think about the way the video was demonstrated? Do you think they portrayed the information bias or equal? If you have any additional information to add that you felt the video should have been presented, please feel free to do so.

Additional Information:
The information below was provided on the link above

This humorous video was written by supporters of HR 676, the single payer national health care bill in Congress (John Conyers - Michigan). All other industrialized countries have universal national health care. They spend half as much as we do in the United States on medical care but their health outcomes are as good or better. Americans have seen their health insurance premiums increase by 87% from 2000 to 2006 while their earnings only increased by 20% and the average rate of overall inflation was 18% during the same time period (Kaiser Family Foundation). Why does your health care cost so much? 30%-35% of each dollar of your premium goes to pay for: executive salaries, administration, lobbying, marketing and other non-health care related costs. It's time to eliminate the for-profit private health plans who take up to 1/3 of each premium dollar but add no value to our health care delivery system. It's time for HR 676.

Why is this important?

Many of us are currently covered by our parent's health insurance. I don't think we really know how important it is that we are covered. If you didn't have health insurance, would you go into the doctor for any injuries or illnesses you may have? Would you get your yearly checkups? It is known that people who are uncovered are less likely to go to the doctor or local physician. That's why I believe that health insurance should be more affordable for everyone so that we are not faced with these issues in the future.

Source 1:
Source 2: Health Crisis
Source 3: Esurance


Heather Belknap said...

This is really neat! I'll show you my results when I do my eye opener!

Kaileigh's Nature Log said...

I like that you have a video!!! This will be fun!!!

Kathy @ Choh's Changing Environment said...

Hey Christen!!
Although health insurance is such an interesting topic, I bet it was hard to find an activity! You did great and found a good activity! Great sources. I'll let you know my results in the next post!!
Good job!
